An evaluation of student teachers’ teaching performance as perceived by cooperating teachers

Dr. Dahlia D. Soriano
[email protected]

Program Chair, School of Teacher Education & Liberal Arts
University of Baguio, Baguio City Philippines 2600

PAFTE Journal for Education, Vol. 2, No 1, 122-151. (2022)


The study focused on the overall evaluation of student teachers’ teaching performance as perceived by their cooperating teachers specifically, it sought to assess their level of competency in terms of the following indicators: communication skills, lesson planning, content, teaching methods, utilization of instructional materials, classroom management and questioning skills. It also determined if there is a significant difference in their level of competency in terms of the identified indicators as perceived by their cooperating teachers in the in-campus and off-campus training. Based on the cooperating teachers’ narrative comments, concerns in relation to student teachers’ teaching were also identified. This research made use of both the quantitative and qualitative methods of research. Since, the aim was to evaluate the student teachers’ teaching performance, hence, the use of descriptive evaluative design. Involved in this study were the in-campus and off-campus cooperating teachers of the student teachers enrolled during the second semester of the school year 2018-2019. Data were taken from the result of pre-service teachers’ final demonstration teaching evaluation by their cooperating teachers in the in-campus and off-campus training. Results revealed that their overall level of competency along the identified indicators were excellent. Of the seven (7) indicators, utilization of instructional materials and classroom management obtained the highest area means. However, questioning and communication skills obtained the least area means. Considering the overall mean, regardless of the indicators, the result showed that there is a statistically significant difference in the level of competency between student teachers who were deployed in the in-campus and off-campus trainings. Three themes emerged as concerns of cooperating teachers in relation to the teaching of their student teachers namely: instructional delivery, fluency and accuracy of communication, and professional behavior. In conclusion, these student teachers were able to carry with them the inputs they acquired during their academic subjects in the pre-service teacher training and are reflected in their practice teaching which proves that the student teachers possess a strong foundation in terms of their general education, professional education and major subjects. Although the teacher education program they received from the university during their academic years was adequate, however, not sufficient. Hence, a need to revisit the design of the student teaching program in the context of preparedness of the student teachers, orientation programs, supervisory plan by the supervising instructor, supervision and monitoring by the cooperating teacher, and observation policies and guidelines.

Keywords: pre-service teachers, cooperating teachers, level of competency, in-campus training, off-campus training