Benilda Z. Narcelles, PhD, LPT1, Teresa N. Villanueva, RMT, MACT2
1 Faculty, School of Natural Sciences University of Baguio, Baguio City, Philippines Email: [email protected]
2 Faculty, School of Natural Sciences University of Baguio, Baguio City, Philippines
All agencies and institutions have regulations that ensure workforce safety. Biosafety and biorisk management are included in the areas of safety concern. A descriptive survey method was used to assess the level of compliance and the extent of implementation of protocols on biosafety and biorisk management in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and clinical laboratories in the city of Baguio. HEIs showed a high level of compliance (69%), while clinical laboratories showed a very high level of compliance (77%). At .05 level of significance, there was a difference in the level of HEIs’ compliance; however, there was no significant difference between the compliance levels of private and government clinical laboratories. Clinical laboratories and HEIs showed a moderate extent of implementation of biosafety and biorisk management. There was a significant difference in the area of documented policies and the area of occupational hazards among HEIs. There was also a significant difference between private and government laboratories in all the areas. Policies were followed by the different institutions and there was regular monitoring by the policy-making bodies.
Keywords: Biosafety management, Biorisk Management, Higher Educational Institutions, Clinical Laboratories
Published July 19, 2019 |
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