Higher education institutions exist to respond to the needs and demands of a fast and highly evolving physical and social environment. The quest for technical and scientific knowledge that bridge the gap between theory and practice, existing and emerging technologies and local and global competencies pressure higher education institutions to explore all avenues of responding to this quest.  The journey of students and faculty members in academia begin with conducting researches that generate new knowledge and new ways of understanding both natural and anthropogenic phenomena.

In response to the imperatives of answering scientific questions and public concerns, the demands of quality education dominated by information and communications technology, and the requirements of globalization in the economic, political, technological and social spheres, the University of Baguio adopts a research agenda that sets the direction for the research engagements of the students and the faculty members. Apart from addressing institutional and accreditation needs and concerns, the research priority areas of the National Higher Education Research Agenda 2 (NHERA2) and the National Unified Health Research Agenda (NUHRA) are made integral components of the research agenda of the university.


Classification of Researches

Classification of Researches



2009 - 2018
Priority themes for multidisciplinary /multisectoral research


2023 - 2028
Themes and subthemes