Priority themes for multidisciplinary/multisectoral research In light of the realities that the country is now experiencing and will face in the future, research on the following themes shall be encouraged:
- Food safety and security. Considering the country’s proneness to natural hazards and disasters and with its booming population, it is important for the people to be assured of affordable and safe food on their table.
- Enhancing indigenous renewable energy source in the domestic energy mix. Increasing the percentage of indigenous renewable energy source into the national energy mix will not only result in dollar saving, and protection of the environment but more importantly, ensuring energy security. The search, development and exploitation of renewable energy sources will involve a multi-disciplinary approach.
- Development of vaccines and diagnostic kits using indigenous materials. Emerging and reemerging diseases have always threatened the global and regional scenes. The country has to be prepared for these by having the appropriate medication, vaccines and diagnostic kits that are readily available and affordable.
- Disaster risk management. The shift from preparedness to prevention and mitigation mode in our disaster risk management framework would entail a lot of research work not only in policy formulation, community development, and public awareness but also in hard science (e.g. forecasting, structural engineering aspects).
- Pollution control. Environmental issues that affect the land, air and water should be studied. A developing country like the Philippines must ensure that progress is not compromised by environmental degradation.
- Climate change specifically on the issue of global warming. The four pillars of the Bali Action Plan dealing with a) mitigation, b) adaptation, c) technology transfer, and d) financial resources are rich sources of multi disciplinary research work. Considering that climate change issues deal with future scenarios, a wholistic approach is necessary.
- Future ASEAN. The ASEAN Charter has come into force and by AY 2015, we will be a single community. The ASEAN will also have its own legal personality. In the process, immediate studies on how to handle this pending reality must be done.
- Peace process and conflict resolution . This is a rich source of research work, the results of which can be applied to governance, policies and direction setting.