Perceptions of the School of Business Administration and Accountancy students on the departmental examinations


Dr. Kareen B. Leon | CPA Mr. Rhad Vic F. Estoque, CPA
School of Business Administration and Accountancy

This research was undertaken to determine how the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy students perceive their departmental examinations. All 37 of the third to fifth year accounting students during SY 2013-2014 served as the respondents of the study. The study was done during the second semester of the school year 2013-2014, using the descriptive method. Overall, the students strongly agreed to the departmental examinations conducted every grading for the subjects Fundamentals of Accounting as well as the Partnership and Corporation Accounting. When grouped per year level, the fifth years had the highest overall mean, followed by the fourth years. Both strongly agreed to their departmental examinations. In contrast, the third years agreed only to the said departmental examinations. There was also a significant difference in the perceptions of the respondents according to their year level.

Keywords: Departmental, accountancy, examinations, year level, University of Baguio

July 18, 2015
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