Maria Lourdes Cantor
Veronica Garcia
Victoria Ramolete
The major purpose of this study was to determine the board performance of second takers in the dentistry licensure examinations within the period of May 1997 to May 2007. This study used the ex-post-facto research design. Documentary analysis of the results of the Philippine Regulation Commission (PRC) Licensure Examination for Dentists secured from PRC, on file at the UB Dentistry Dean’s office was done. In the first take, the level of performance of the examinees who failed in the dentistry board examinations is higher in the practical aspect than in the theoretical aspect of the exam but the mean falls below the passing mark, which indicates poor performance. On the other hand, the level of performance of the examinees in the second take is higher in the practical aspect of the exam but the mean rating increased to fair. The level of performance of the second takers significantly improved since the means denote a significant difference in the performance of the examinees in the first and second take. The examinees tend to perform better in the second take compared to the first take. The overall success rate of the second takers within a period of ten years is 38.6%. This implies the need for further improvement in the theoretical aspect of the board exams particularly along the identified weak areas which are Roentgenology, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Surgery, General and Oral Anatomy ad Physiology, Anesthesiology and Pharmacology.
Source: UB Research Journal, Vol. XXXIII, No. 1, January – June 2009