Josefina S. Esguerra, Ed. D.
It was the major purpose of this study to determine the retirement perspectives among retirees of the University of Baguio. Of specific concerns are the profile of the UB retirees, their attitudes toward retirement, and the leisure-time activities preferred by UB retirees. Triangulation research design was employed in this study. The data were gathered through a validated and reliability-tested questionnaire-checklist, documentary analysis, and informal interview. A total of 116, out of 134 UB retirees participated in the study. The gender profile of the UB retirees: 40% males and 60% females denote a dominance of females over the males in number, implying that the teaching profession is dominated by females. The greater percentage of retirees retired on the basis of optional retirement (59 years and below) compared to those whose retired on the basis of compulsory retirement (60 years and above), implying that age of retirement is becoming “younger.” A greater percentage of the UB retirees belong to the administration and teaching groups (82%) while the non-teaching retirees group comprised 18%. This denotes that the retiree group is dominated by professionals. The current age of 65.60 indicating that generally, the UB retirees are young-adults, still in the early stage of late adulthood. A greater percentage of the UB retirees are currently unemployed, implying that majority of the retirees opt to spend their retirement by engaging in activities other than paid work.
Source: UB Research Journal, Vol. XXXIII, No. 1, January – June 2009