Conceptualizing Research Problems in Natural Sciences


R &DC invited an expert in the field of natural/ sciences, visiting professor and former Dean of School of Natural Sciences of Saint Louis University, Dr. Evelyn Oda. The half-day seminar was conducted at the Café Fernando on August 19, 2017.

The seminar was attended by 215 faculty members and students from the School of Natural Sciences, School of Dentistry, School of Nursing and School of Teacher Education.

Dr. Oda introduced her lecture by discussing the competence that prospective scientist should possess and skills that will prepare them for their lifelong learning. Further, she discussed the current status of natural sciences. She described the age of reduction and nanomics, the age of bioresource prospecting, the age of problem-based orientedness, and the period of technological enhancement.


Also, Dr. Oda mentioned the importance of membership in a research consortium and the development of a research culture. She discussed the direction for research for biology, medical technology, pharmacy and physical sciences.

Mr. Reuben Laguitan, faculty member from the School of Natural Sciences, served as the master of ceremonies.

Dr. Jun C. Corpuz, Chairperson of the Institutional Ethics Review Committee, officially welcomed all the participants for the seminar.

Dr. Janice Kaylyn Lonogan, member of the Institutional Ethics Review Committee, gave the closing remarks.