Research Journal

The UNIVERSITY OF BAGUIO Research Journal is published semi-annually in June and December by the University of Baguio Research Innovation Extension and Community Outreach (RIECO), Baguio City, Philippines. Its general objective is to scholarly research works in the different fields of knowledge. Its specific objective is to encourapublish ge research on the culture of the different ethnic groups of the Cordilleras and on problems and issues regarding CAR and neighboring regions.

The general objective of the University of Baguio Research Journal is to publish research findings in the different fields of knowledge particularly those articulated in the Research Agenda. Studies on university policies, procedures and internal operations are published in this journal.

The University Research Journal spotlights how University of Baguio extend their academic interests beyond the classroom. The specific objectives are: to encourage research on the culture of the different ethnic groups of the Cordilleras and on problems and issues regarding the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) and neighboring regions.

The UB Research Journal is published twice a year - January to June and July to December

Editorial Team

Editor-in-Chief. Donnavila Marie B. Panday, PhD. JD

Institutional Research Committee (IRC). The IRC is comprised of 27 members representing the following disciplines: Multidisciplinary, Social Science, Natural, Biological Sciences, Criminal Justice, Education, Architecture, Engineering, ICT, Psychology, Applied Sciences, Mathematics, Health, Languages, Literature, Statistics   

Research Ethics Committee (REC). The REC is composed of 33 members from different disciplines and is chaired by the most senior researcher among the group who must also be a member of an external research ethics committee.  

Layout Artist. Mr. Oliver Richard C. Celi

Entered as third class mail matter at the Baguio City Post Office on December 18, 1979

p - ISSN 0115 - 2521
e - ISSN 2945-3321



Authors who intend to publish in the UB Research journal are advised to observe the following in preparing their manuscript:
1. Research topics should be aligned to the Research Agenda of the University or of the school. Topics that do not fall under any of the priority areas may be considered provided they address relevant issues and problems of the times.
2. Organize the paper following these major headings: Title, Author/s, Affiliation, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods for experimental study or Methodology for non-experimental study, Results and Discussion, Conclusions and References. The References should substantially consist of articles and studies published in scientific and peer-reviewed online journals. Unpublished materials such as theses and dissertations are discouraged.
3. Type the manuscript in a long bond paper. Follow 0.6" margin on all sides, with 6"x9" paper size.
4. Use the Rockwell font with an 11.5 point size.
5. The text is justified, using normal paragraphs with the first line indented 5 character spaces from the left margin.
6. Observe single-spaced lines within a paragraph, and double-space between paragraphs or between headings/subheadings and the subsequent paragraph.
7. The Abstract should not be more than 300 words (indicate 5 key words).
8. Spell out acronyms of unfamiliar abbreviations when these are mentioned for the first time in the text.
9. Do not spell out number unless they are used to start a sentence.
10. Use the metric system only or the International System of Units. Use abbreviations of units only beside numerals (e.g. 6 m); otherwise, spell out the units (e.g. kilometers from here). Do
not use plural forms or periods for abbreviations of units. Use the bar for compound units (e.g. 1 kg/ha/yr.). Place a zero before the decimal in numbers less than 1 (e.g. 0.25).
11. Titles of tables and captions of figures should be as short as possible and understandable without referring to the text. Figures should consist only of simple line drawings, computer-
generated graphics or good quality black and white photographs. Photographs should be original figures that are not electronically enhanced and submitted in a jpeg or pang file.
12. To promote anonymous review, authors should not identify themselves directly or indirectly in their papers or in experimental test instruments included in the submission.


SIMILARITY CHECK. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited in all submissions to the University of Baguio Research Journal.. To maintain the integrity of our academic work, every submitted manuscript undergoes a rigorous plagiarism screening before the review process begins. The Researcher(s) / Author(s) will utilize Turnitin to conduct a thorough analysis, ensuring that the originality of the content is upheld and that all sources are properly cited.

We are committed to promoting ethical research practices and fostering a culture of integrity within the academic community. Any instances of plagiarism identified during the review process will be taken seriously, and appropriate actions will be implemented in accordance with our editorial policies. Authors found to have engaged in plagiarism may face consequences, including the potential rejection of their manuscript and restrictions on future submissions. It is our responsibility to ensure that all published work contributes positively to the body of knowledge in health research.

PUBLICATION CHARGES.  There are no submission fees, no processing fees, no publication fees or page charges for University of Baguio Research Journal.

COPYRIGHT. Every article or scientific paper published in the University of Baguio Research Journal is owned by the author, who retains full copyright over their work once the publication process is complete. This arrangement empowers authors to control how their research is disseminated and utilized, fostering an environment where they can share their findings with the academic community and the public while maintaining their intellectual property rights.

The publisher retains the right to make necessary edits for clarity, consistency, and formatting, ensuring that the article meets the journal’s standards. Importantly, these editorial changes will not alter the original meaning or intent of the author’s work. This collaboration between authors and publishers not only enhances the quality of the published material but also supports the dissemination of important research findings in the health field, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and practice.

LICENSE. Works/articles in this journal as are bound to Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 

REPOSITORY POLICY.  In Accordance to the University of Baguio Research Journal's Open Access Policy, authors are permitted to make their articles publicly accessible across various platforms and repositories under the provisions of the CC BY license. When reusing, distributing, or archiving these articles, it is essential to clearly attribute the journal as the original publishing entity and provide accurate citation information. Authors are therefore required to submit the unique URL/DOI of their published work along with the Version of Record to any repository they choose. We strongly encourage authors to self-archive and post their papers in institutional repositories or on personal websites without any embargo period. Such practices not only enhance the visibility and citation potential of their research but also facilitate valuable academic exchange among peers.

I40C Standard Compliance for Open Citations. The Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC) embodies a collaborative effort that brings together scholarly publishers, researchers, and diverse stakeholders, all committed to promoting free and unrestricted access to scholarly citation data. By advocating for the open availability of citation information, I4OC aims to enhance transparency in academic publishing and facilitate the effective discovery and utilization of research. This initiative not only empowers researchers to better understand the impact of their work but also fosters a culture of openness and collaboration within the scholarly community. Through shared resources and a collective commitment to open practices, I4OC seeks to transform the landscape of academic citations, making them accessible to all.