A portable Non-electrically Driven Air Compressor Unit as a Source of Air to a Dental High Speed Handpiece

Christian L. Edquibal  |  Lizly Ann T. Gutierrez   |  Mohammad Keivan  |  Eirene Eudia M. Manaloto  |  Kleo L. Oliver  |  Edgar S. Pangisban
School of Dentistry
Dr. Maria Lourdes E. Cantor, Adviser


The main objective of this study was to determine the practicability of a portable non-electrically driven air compressor unit as a source of air to a portable dental air system to run a high-speed dental handpiece. This study used the conventional or electrical type of air compressor commonly being used in dental clinics/infirmaries as the basis of comparison to determine the feasibility of the portable non-electrical air compressor. Three criteria were used for this comparison: length of time for the cavity preparation of natural teeth specimens and typodonts; ease of manipulation; and frequency of rotation of the dental handpiece driven by the two air compressors. This study used a bivariate experimental research design. Results showed that the invented portable non-electric air compressor is similarly efficient as the electric air compressor. Thus, due to its portability and ability to function without electricity, it can be used in the rural communities where only limited resources are available. This implies the need to create a prototype of a portable air compressor which is powered manually (by an air pump) and does not use electricity to power up the dental handpiece thereby conserving energy and electrical cost.

Keywords: Portable non-electric air compressor, feasibility, ease of manipulation, length of cavity preparation, frequency of rotation