Dr. Marilou M. Saong, ChE, RT
Research regarding relationships of attitudes and motivation with science achievement consists of studies that have examined these variables from various perspectives. This study made use of descriptive qualitative research design to delve into Medical Laboratory Science students’ motivation in learning Analytical Chemistry (ANACHM1). Thematic analysis using Pintrich’s model was used to analyze the contents of the students’ portfolio and further used to extract students’ motivation. Students’ reflections were classified based on 1) the contextual factors which include the nature of tasks, reward and goal structures, instructional methods and instructor behavior, 2) the internal factors which included the expectancy, value, and affective components and 3) the motivated behavior which included choice behavior, the level of activity and involvement, and persistence behavior or regulation of effort. The results revealed that among the different components, instructional method, interest, level of activity and persistence were greatly associated with students’ motivation to learn ANACHM1. The results further stressed the Pintrich’s (1994) model that in the college classroom, there exists “the interactive and reciprocal nature of the relations between students and the classroom context, including the instructor’s behavior, in describing and explaining motivation.” The researcher recommends another study to quantitatively determine the relationship between attitude, motivation and student achievement in science.
Key words: Attitude, motivation, academic performance, Pintrich’s Model
Published October 23, 2018 |
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Source: UB Research Journal, Vol. XL, No. 1 2016