Baccalaureate 2011: An Evaluation

To commence the college graduation rites, the baccalaureate was held last April 2, 2011 from 9:00 AM-10:00 AM at the UB Cardinals’ Gym. Accordingly, the activity was evaluated to determine what specifics of the program require improvement and what part/s of it should be retained.

Out of the total number of attendees, 114 of them evaluated the said event. Majority of the evaluators are graduates (46.49%) followed by the parents/guardians (15.79%). Seventeen or 14.91% of them are faculty members/employees while the same percentage (14.91%) failed to identify themselves. Other evaluators (6.14%) were identified as visitors, a sister of a graduate, a student assistant, a friend, and a student. Two members of the Management team were also able to appraise the event.

Generally, the participants were satisfied with the conduct of the activity based on the overall rating of 91.67%. Specifically, there was a positive evaluation of the respondents as regards how well the activity was organized. Also, the order, solemnity and appropriateness of time provided for each part of the activity were highly appraised.

Meanwhile, the participants found the readers effective in performing their roles grounded on the cumulative response rate of 90.94%. A large percentage of the evaluators conferred a favourable remark relative to the readers’ voice volume, their proper enunciation/pronunciation of words as well as their effectiveness in conveying/communicating their messages.

With respect to the venue, the overall rating of 91.93% indicates satisfaction of the evaluators. This was supported by their high agreement on its appropriateness for the occasion, security, suitability of the decorations used, cleanliness and its sufficiency in accommodating all the concerned. Other specifics of the event such as the sound system and multi-media were held effective and functional founded on 95.18% cumulative rating.

As a final point, majority of the evaluators manifested a positive stance as to the totality of the event. In particular, one hundred eight or 94.74% of the respondents expressed their satisfaction with the overall conduct of the program/activity. | By: Jenifer L. Kuadli – Research Assistant