Difficulties of BS Nursing Students in Nursing Research

Prof. Rhoda Galangco, Ed.D.


This study looked into the difficulties encountered by students enrolled in Nursing Research during the first semester of SY 2005-2006. The descriptive- survey research design was used in order to answer the specific problems. Data was taken from the 300 students who were randomly picked to answer the questionnaires. Findings denote that the students encounter much difficulty in writing and in doing their thesis despite the helpful activities done by their teachers inside and outside the classroom. The respondents signified much difficulty in writing the different parts of the thesis, primarily Chapter 3 where they had to analyze and interpret their data. They also indicated encountering many problems in the process of doing their thesis — from data-gathering to the defense. The primary problem they encountered was the limitation imposed by duty time in the hospital and in the community. Their schedule for duty prevented them from closely working with each other, eventually leading to a misunderstanding among group members.


July 29, 2006
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