Ms. Esther Masielle P. Flores, BS Psych
Mr. Michael Robert R. Alviar, BSEd
Mr. Dionisio D. Nisperos, MAT-Math
The purpose of this research was to determine the perception of the University of Baguio Science High School (UBSHS) students on boy-girl relationships. This study was conducted to ascertain whether they favor such relationships in the campus even with the existence of the General Directives and Social Norms in their Student’s Handbook. The descriptive-survey method was used, with a questionnaire used as the data-gathering tool. There were 258 UBSHS students who were randomly chosen as respondents of the study. Findings reveal that the students favor boy-girl relationship and discreetly engage in it despite the provision in their Student’s Handbook which discourages such. Further, there is a significant difference in the perception on boy-girl relationships between males and females.
Published July 29, 2006 |
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