Rule and Role: The Instruments to Shift Gear with New Paradigms: The University of Baguio Medical Technology Program Experience

by Janice Kaylyn K. Lonogan, EdD


Quality instruction is the key factor towards excellence. Administrators and faculty members play important roles toward the achievement of quality instruction. The educational climate of the Bachelor of Medical Technology/Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science (BSMT/BMLS) Program of the University of Baguio (UB) was assessed through descriptive status and descriptive-survey methods. Documents for SY2008 to 2013 validated by accrediting agencies like PACUCOA, CHED, PRC and DOH determined the status of the program along standards of instruction. The Dundee Ready Educational Environment Measure (DREEM) questionnaire was used to identify the perception of students on the strengths and weaknesses of the educational environment. The results indicate that the BSMT/BMLS program of the University satisfactorily complied with all the norms except on the area of faculty profile consisting three (3) sub-areas on academic qualifications, performance evaluation, and faculty development. Capitalizing on the power of qualitative approach in drawing out the multiple layers of meaning entrenched in subjective realities, the inquiry described the actual experiences of 78 medical technology interns, as they managed their academic requirements in this educational institution. An in-depth, semi-structured one-on-one and/ or group interview was conducted. Field texts were transcribed and analyzed using axial coding and through constant comparative analyses, an interesting set of conceptual themes about their educational climate emerged. The DREEM scores reflected students’ mixed views of the educational environment with an overall mean score of 140/200 (70%) interpreted as more positive than negative. Generally speaking, the DREEM subscales derived from this study indicate that the educational environment in the BSMT/BMLS program of UB has problematic aspects, even if marginally all scales are perceived on more positive aspects. The findings form part of curriculum needs analysis and the basis of the development and innovation of a model for effective instruction to enhance the educational environment of students.

Key words: Medical technology education, educational environment, DREEM

Source: UB Research Journal, Vol. XXXVIII, No. 1, January  – June 2014