The potential of carica papaya pulp as a topical treatment for mild to moderate plaque-induced gingivitis in adults

Jesher N. Nicolas | Donnalyne S. Barrientos | Charlene M. Bilog Menchie Amor A. Dangla | Eunice M. Datayan | Danielle Anne R. Yu
School of Dentistry
Dr. Joy Lane N. Cuntig, Adiviser


Gingivitis is a common and mild form of gum disease, and it is essential to take it seriously and treat it promptly because it can lead to a much more severe disease called periodontitis and tooth loss. The purpose of this research is to examine the healing effect of Carica papaya, a well-known medicinal plant in the inflamed gingiva. A two-paired group experimental study was designed to evaluate the potential of Carica papaya pulp as a topical treatment for mild to moderate plaque-induced gingivitis in adults for one week. Forty participants are involved in the study. The subjects were clinically examined and identified as mild or moderate gingivitis and randomly assigned to control groups and experimental groups. The subjects underwent procedures namely oral of Carica papaya pulp and both. After a week, follow-up and recall of the patients were performed by examining the gingiva using Gingival Index Scoring. Treatment of data was done using the t-test method. After a comprehensive and in-depth interpretation of the collated data, the findings have shown that there is a significant difference before and after the application of Carica papaya pulp on the inflamed gingiva. It indicates that Carica papaya pulp has the potential of improving gingival conditions of mild and moderate plaque-induced gingivitis.

Keywords: Carica papaya, topical treatment, gingivitis prophylaxis, application