Correlation of the BS Criminology Students’ Performance in the Mock Board Examination and their Reading Comprehension Skills

Jocelyn L. Alimondo, MAEd LANG | Miguel Xerxes R. Villacrucis, MACT | Victor de los Santos, PhD


This study investigated the relationship of reading comprehension skills and performance in the mock board exams of the University of Baguio School of Criminal Justice and Public Safety. Reviewees who were enrolled under the UB Review Center during the second semester of SY 2011-2012 were the respondents of the study. This study made use of the descriptive and ex- post facto methods to analyze gathered data. Findings of this study show that there is a positive substantial relationship between the respondents’ reading comprehension and their score in the mock board. However, considering the levels of reading comprehension, the literal and creative levels were found to have almost negligible to definite but low relationship with the mock board exam while the inferential and critical levels have a positive substantial relationship with the respondents’ score in the mock board exam.

Key words: Reading comprehension, board exam, reading skills, correlation of board exam and reading

June 17, 2014
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Source: UB Research Journal, Vol. XXXVII, No. 1, January – June 2013