Welcome to Research Innovation Extension and Community Outreach (RIECO)

The creation of the UB Research Innovation Extension and Community Outreach (RIECO) was spearheaded for it to serve as a venue for the harmonious growth of the different departments of the institution, their faculty and students, in their pursuit of academic excellence and professional growth and development. The RIECO regularly plans, designs, conducts, coordinates and evaluates short-term training programs, workshops, seminars and lectures for various clienteles while propagating the research culture in the University and the society.

Director’s Message

Research, development, and innovation are the key towards the attainment of a knowledge economy society. As one of the leading Higher Educational Institutions, the University of Baguio through its Research and Development Center (RDC) strives to be one of the architects in building this knowledge economy. The UB family works hand-in-hand with the United Nations (UN) and the Philippine government towards the realization of the 17 UNs’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) specifically SDGs 4,5,10, and 17.

Dr. Donnavila Marie B. Panday

성희롱 예방 교육 PPT

사업주는 1년에 1회 성희롱 예방교육을 반드시 실시하여야 합니다. 중도입퇴사자의 교육의무첨부의 자료를 활용하여 성희롱 예방교육을 실시하여 과태료 대상에 해당. 여성가족부에서 운영하는 예방교육통합관리 사이트에. 성희롱, 성매매, 성폭력, 가정폭력, 성인권교육 표준강의안 PPT 동영상 등. 1 성희롱예방-기본안. Pptx (13. 1M) 20회 다운로드 DATE: 2018-11-23 16: 46: 03; 첨부 2 성희롱예방교육자료밝고건강한직장만들기. Ppt (3. 0M) 13회 다운로드 DATE. 성희롱 예방교육. 교육대상: 학교, 기업, 관공서, 조직내 임직원. 교육진행: 시청각자료 PPT & VIDEO, 각종교보제를 이용한 강의. 교육내용: 업종 직종에 상황에. 여성가족부 제공 자료입니다. 동영상 자료를 업로드할 예정이었으나, 용량초과로 업로드 하지 못한 점 양해바랍니다. 목록. 서식설명. 성희롱예방 기본안(법정의무교육) PPT자료입니다. (2013. 08. 23) ※ 출처: 여성가족부. 대한민국 기업이라면 꼭 해야하는. 법정 의무 교육. - 두번째 -. 본문내용. 성희롱 예방교육 자료. 페이지 정보. 작성자 포스웰 작성일07-11-13 00: 00 조회24, 046회. 첨부파일. 첨부 1194914725. Ppt (3. 0M) DATE: 2015-06-05 16: 30: . 베레모 그리기 [직장내 성희롱예방교육]. 노동인권 실현과 행복한 삶을 위하여 (다른 사람을 이해하고 서로 사랑하기). 2009. 03. 27. 성희롱예방교육전문기관 노무법인 돌담. 2015년_성희롱예방교육_교안. Ppt (3. 3M) [795] DATE: 2015-03-20 14: 41: 25. 2015년 성희롱 예방교육 자료를 첨부와 같이 개시하니 전직원 숙지하시고 성희롱 예방교육시 강의자료로 활용할 수 있는 강의안(기본안, 심화안, 관리자안)을 붙임과 같이 제공합니다. 업무에 참고하시기 바랍니다. 본 저작물의 개방과 관련하여. 2016년 성희롱 예방교육 현황. ▫ 1차 교육. - 일 자: 2016. 6. 29(수). - 장 소: 종합운동장 대회의실. - 교육대상: 전직원. - 교육방법: PPT를 통한 폭력예방. 2019년 직장 내 성희롱예방 및 성폭력예방 교육 실시 ♤ 일시: 2019. 04. 17(1차), 04. 25(2차) 15: 00~15: 50♤. 방법: PPT자료를 이용한 집합교육. 인형 돌 교육내용. 1) 대학과 인권 (6분11초). 2) 인권교육 (17분 26초). 3) 일상 속의 폭력 (27분 5초). 4) 성희롱·성폭력 예방교육 (28분 18초). 5) 가정폭력 예방교육 (33분. 교육 과목. 성폭력예방교육; 가정폭력예방교육; 성매매예방교육; 성희롱예방교육. 성균관대학교 온라인 성폭력 예방교육 (교직원용). 1. 로그인 하기. 성희롱 예방교육 PPT 자료(신세기산업). Pptx (1. 9M) [265] DATE: 2018-02-02 16: 41: 54. 최근 사회적 이슈에 따라 성희롱 발생 시 대응방법 등에 대해 교육자료를. 성희롱, 성폭력, 성매매 예방교육. Number of times this content has. 나는 이성친구한테 성희롱이나 성추행, 성폭력을 경험한 적이 있다. 상황: 기습키스, 똥침, ৹ 아동 안전/ 아동학대, 성폭력 강사. ৹ 직장내 성희롱 예방교육. ৹ 성폭력, 성매매 예방교육. ৹ 개인정보보호교육. ৹ 직장 내 괴롭힘 예방교육. 2021년 성희롱 등 폭력예방교육 실적 입력 안내. 1, 초·중·고, 교안(PPT), 디지털성범죄 예방교육 매뉴얼(초등/중등/고등), 39쪽, 링크. 침실 등 전문강사양성과정. 교육목표. 성평등 관점에 기반하여 성희롱·성매매·성폭력·가정폭력 등 젠더기반폭력 예방교육을 전문적으로 수행; 교육 대상. 직장내 성희롱 예방교육의 필요성. 직장내 성희롱의 개념. 직장내 성희롱의 성립요건. 직장내 성희롱의 유형. 사업주의 의무. 직장내 성희롱 예방교육의 내용과 방법. 8. 27일(월) 성폭력 및 성희롱예방교육 자료. 작성자, 조남빈, 등록일, 18. 07. 24, 조회수, 240. 첨부파일. 여학생 대상 성매매 예방교육 PPT_여가부, 한국양성평등교육.

2022 Research Publication Award

The University of Baguio was awarded by the Commission on Higher Education – Cordillera Administrative Region (CHED-CAR) Research Publication Capacity Building under the Academy for Higher Education Faculty Members’ Advancement and Development (AHEAD) Cordillera Program, on January 20, 2023 at Bontoc Mountain Province for being an HEI with the HIGHEST number of international research  publications and researchers for 2022 as a result of the Kabadang 3.0, Cardinals Edition. readmore>>

Highlights and News

2022 Research Publication Award

The University of Baguio was awarded by the Commission on Higher Education – Cordillera Administrative Region (CHED-CAR) Research Publication Capacity Building under the Academy for Higher Education Faculty Members’ Advancement and Development (AHEAD) Cordillera Program, on January 20, 2023 at...

The Webinar on Design Phase

The Webinar on Design Phase is a continuation of the research conceptualization phase, as part of the research capability training program for UB researcher, students, and guests which was conducted on October 22, 2022. The half-day webinar discussion aimed to...

Webinar on Research Conceptualization

The conceptualization of the research webinar is the start of the series of research capability trainings of the R & DC office to the students and employee researcher/s.

R& DC’s Orientation of its Policies, Procedures, Guidelines, and Research Schemes

The activity was held on September 3, 2022 through zoom platform and was streamed on RDC Facebook page. The zoom meeting accommodated 447 participants composed of faculty members, students and non-teaching staff from various schools and offices of the University...

KABADANG 3.0 Cardinals Edition

In partnership with the Commission on Higher Education – Cordillera Administrative Region as part of its Kabadang 3.0 Research Publication Capacity Building under the Academy for Higher Education Faculty Members’ Advancement and Development (AHEAD) Cordillera Program, the training served as an...

14th University Research Colloquium

The 14th University Virtual Research Colloquium was held last April 23, 2022, via Zoom meeting. There were 276 attendees of the event composed of faculty members, non-teaching employees, and students. The colloquium provided an avenue of 9 research presentations which...

Webinar on Intellectual Property Rights

The University of Baguio Research and Development Center, part of the research capability program for the students and employees, conducted a webinar on Intellectual Property

Webinar on Quantitative Analysis

The University of Baguio through the Research and Development Center’s continuing research capability training conducted a webinar on Quantitative analysis using SPSS last February 12, 2022. The event was conducted via Zoom and streamed on RDC Facebook live participated by...

13th Virtual Research Colloquium

The first Research Week of the University of Baguio spearheaded by the Research and Development Center was held last November 22-26, 2021

Webinar on Institutional Research Format

The research capability program of the University continued with the conduct of the webinar on Institutional Research Format last October 30, 2021 via Zoom application. The event was also featured live in the Facebook page of the Research and Development...

Research Ethics and Tool validation and reliability

The Webinar series on Research Ethics and Tool validation and reliability was conducted on September 18, 2021, via Zoom while streamed at the R&DC Facebook live

Orientation on RDC Policies and Research Schemes

The webinar on Orientation of Research and Development Center (RDC) policies and research schemes aimed to familiarize students enrolled in research, faculty members, and staff with its policies and guidelines in conducting research. The activity was conducted last August 20,...

12th University Research Colloquium: A Virtual Presentation

Last May 6, 2021, via Google Meet, the 12th University Research Colloquium was held. It was attended mostly by faculty members from different schools and guests outside the University through the FB page of the RDC. Dr. Aida A. Dapiawen,...

Webinar series on Validity and Reliability

As part of the ongoing R&DC’s institutional Research Capability Training Program, the webinar series on Validity and Reliability of Research Tools was conducted on April 17, 2021 via google meet while streamed at the R&DC Facebook live. The platform was...

11th University Research Colloquium: A Virtual Presentation

The 11th University Research Colloquium was held last February 20, 2021, via Google Meet. It was attended mostly by faculty members from different schools. Dr. Janice Kaylyn K. Lonogan gave the opening remarks. She commended the presenters and encouraged the...

Webinar on Quantitative Data Analysis

On February 27, 2021, the Quantitative Data Analysis using IBM-SPSS webinar was conducted via Google meet and streamed thru RD&C’s Facebook live to accommodate a wider audience. One of  the University’s statistician prowess, Dr.Victor V. Hafalla was invited to be...

IMRaD Research Writing and Publication

In its continued pursuit of academic excellence and providing quality education, the University of Baguio once again conducted and hosted the Introduction, Methodology, Research, and Discussion (IMRaD) research writing and publication webinar.

Basic Research Ethics Guidelines and Tool Validation

The University of Baguio through the Research and Development Center (RDC) recently hosted a webinar on Basic Research Ethics Guidelines and Tool Validation. 

UB RDC kicks off with an Online Research Colloquium

The sharing of knowledge and pertinent data gathered from significant researches is crucial to the growth of any institution.  

Faculty-researchers share their findings at the eighth Faculty Colloquium

Fourteen faculty researchers successfully presented their research outputs at the eighth Faculty Colloquium organized by the Research and Development Center last November 8, 2019, at the UB Centennial Hall and AVR.